November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving Adventure.

This Thanksgiving was different from any that Christian or I have ever experienced. I worked the night before so I got home around 7 Thanksgiving morning. When I woke up around 2:30 that afternoon, I asked Christian how thawed the turkey was or if he had checked on it all week. He gave me a rather confused look and said that the turkey was still in the freezer. I gave him a rather confused look and said that the turkey was never supposed to be in the freezer. Turns out when I bought the turkey on Sunday and asked him to put it in his fridge because there wasn't enough room in mine, he heard put the turkey in the freezer since there wasn't enough room in mine. So the turkey was frozen solid like a rock.

We decided to run over to Walmart to see if they had any spiral hams available. Nope! We went to both Springville and Orem and neither place had hams. I thought- let's run by Smith's to see if they are open really quickly. It was 6:06pm and they closed at 6pm! They were shoving the last of the customers out the door as we arrived. Arg! We just should have gone there first.

So we got home and were both so dissapointed at this time. We realized that neither of us have had a Thanksgiving where we weren't surrounded by family. The kids got home from their dad's at this time and I was feeling like crud. I started to get a sore throat on Wednesday night and it hasn't gotten any better yet. I have a really funny sounding voice at this point too. We decided to postpone Thanksgiving to today so we could thaw the turkey overnight and so the kids would be home. Now that I'm up, I'll be cooking the rest of the day.


Donalyn said...

Well that will one to remeber and laugh about in the years to come. Good seeing you at Kims birth. How are you feeling now. Did you find anything out?