November 13, 2008

My fitness journey

As many of you know, I struggle to maintain my weight. I come from a family of very large women who have taken diet pills, starved themselves, and even had stomach bypass surgery to try to keep a healthy weight. Most of them have failed. They have many health problems due to the fat on their bodies and many of them have died before reaching 65. I want to enjoy my life now and enjoy many years after I reach retirement age. I don't want to just be alive- I want to LIVE. I have started a new blog that is about my road to fitness here. I will be updating it regularly with things that I am doing that are working and I will add the things that aren't working too. As I find healthy recipes or exercise plans that are awesome I will share them. My goals are many but the two main ones are: be down to my healthy weight range of 135-138 by my 33rd birthday (January 7) and to run the Salt Lake City half-marathon (April 18). I will be making many small goals along the way and keep my progress updated. Wish me luck!