November 14, 2008

Dreaming of warmer places

I would love to move away after graduation. I have lived in Utah since 1988 and never when I moved here did I think that I would get stuck here. For 21 cold winters I have hated the snow, the cold, the gray. I need to leave this town, leave this culture (where I don't quite fit in), and go somewhere warmer. Christian's parents lived in Austin, Texas for about 5 years before they left on their mission. Christian lived down there for a few months after his divorce and all of them say it's a really nice place to live. The weather is warm, the housing is affordable, there are plenty of jobs in both Christian and my fields, and there are many concerts and events to go to. I have no idea if we will actually be able to move since I share joint custody of the kids with my ex-husband, but for now I can dream of warmer places. I have placed the weather tracker for both Austin and Provo in my sidebar for comparison purposes.


Donna said...

I understand completely about not fitting in. I am sorry that you feel a bit outplaced, but unfortunately that's what happens in an area where about 90% of the people are striving to be better than their neighbor... ;) I was wondering if St. George or Moab would be a fair compromise? Not quite out of this area, but far enough away, warmer temps, and still within state boundaries to not conflict with custody? Just a thought.

I also want to let you know that I tagged you. The idea is to blog about 6 strange & bizarre things about you, then tag 6 of your friends to do the same. (Go take a look at mine.) I'm looking forward to seeing what you put!

Heather said...

Isn't it true though? How did the Mormon population at large (in this valley at least) have "Christ like love" turn into "God loves me if I have more stuff than you AND make you feel bad about yourself". Somewhere the wires were crossed.