November 12, 2008

so stinking busy

Today has been housekeeping day. My house is seriously so messy that is is verging on dirty. I am trying to decide if getting a housekeeping service once or twice a week is worth it. The kids and Christian help me clean but it just isn't staying together. There are times that I miss being a stay home mom. These times include but are not limited to: when i get up an hour after going to sleep after work to take William to school, seeing the growing pile of laundry in the corner of my room, seeing the kitchen looking like the cupboards exploded all over the counter tops, and being too tired to do anything about any of it on a daily basis. Don't get me wrong, I actually love the fact that I have a full time job that was meant for me. I love that my kids are getting older and more independent. I love going to school to pursue my bachelors then masters degrees. I love that the family is getting better at seeing that there is a mess and doing something about it. I guess I just wish that I had more time in the day to get everything done that needs to be.

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