October 9, 2008


natalie dee

So the last two Natalie Dee comics are funny until you realize how true they are. I have been comparing this bailout to me getting in a lot of debt and running my finances into the ground then expecting my mom or granddad to bail me out. Or I could compare it to using a boyfriend (but not my dearest Christian) for his money only. I don't want to be these corporations' suga mama, but I am and you are and our great grandchildren are too. It is a lovely legacy being left for the future. I hope that we don't get four more years of "leadership" like the eight that have brought us to this mess.

natalie dee


Donalyn said...

Oh Heather you know the Clinton era helped to put us in this mess. Us poor Rebublicans are just trying to clean up his mess, and now we get the blame for it. No one has said we are perfect, but we are trying. Did Obama ever find his REAL birth certificate yet?

Heather said...

Just remember that when Clinton was president we had a surplus, low interest rates, low unemployment rates, and a national debt that was on its way down. I don't even know where MY real birth certificate is and I didn't move around as a child nearly as much as Obama did.

Donalyn said...

But you do know where you were born and how to order a new one...unless of course you know you aren't legal, and there is no birth certificate.