June 16, 2008


Christian has been growing out a fine beard. The other day we went out to eat and on the way there the sun was glaring in his eyes, so I had him put on my sunglasses. Here are the pics showing that great beard.

I really think that he looks great with it.

Later that night Katie flat ironed his hair and wrapped it in a turban so it wouldn't get messy. You can really see how fluffy this beard is!

This picture was taken the very next day when I came home from work. He had shaved the beard off and let Katie put eye liner on him. What a difference a day makes!

I think that he looks great either way though.


Soren Dorius said...

What the John Lennon!?!?

Soren Dorius said...

Oh yeah, and you look tons like Shawn when you both have beards grown out. Rock on Dorius'!