June 26, 2008


We have become a family that plays games. We played some before we met Christian but that number has exploded since we have been lucky enough to have him in our lives. I have started playing World of Warcraft- nerdy I know- much to the chagrin of Lizzie. I think that she is embarrassed just a little that her mom is such a geek. William and Katie have started playing The Adventures of Zelda: the Ocarina of Time on a regular basis. Christian got a new computer game called the Age of Conan that he and his friends play like mad. Then there are the board games: The Farming Game, Monopoly, Chutes and Ladders for the high school kids being cool, and our latest game Ticket to Ride Europe edition. We also got The Great Dalmuti card game. I know that it seems kind of nerdy to play so many games, but they really bring us together as friends and family. We have a great time and it gives us something to do other than watch TV. I say bring on the games!