May 28, 2008

Code Blue!

About an hour ago, a man at the nursing home where I work went into full arrest. A code blue was called and I happened to be the nurse who started chest compressions. The respiratory therapist was doing the rescue breathing and with the help of the other nurses and aids we did CPR until the EMTs arrived. We continued doing CPR while the EMTs hooked the man up to the defibrillator and shocked him. After the man was intubated, we continued chest compressions until we finally got a pulse and blood pressure. He was transported by ambulance to the local emergency room. The entire thing from the call until he was transported was only 20 minutes. It seemed to take forever and no time at all. All of us were pumped up on adrenaline. We were pretty proud when we got a "Good job, guys" from the EMTs. I hope that this man pulls through.


Matt and Amber said...

Wow dude! thumbs up! Hope all is going well with you guys. Have you taken your nclex yet? I've been a slow poke and I'm really nervous! I feel like being prego has made me a lot dumber! I forget things ALL the time! I'm scheduled to take mine on July 11. If you haven't done yours yet we should study together. MUAH!!! ttyl