February 4, 2009

More Vegas.

One of the things we did on our trip was go to Madame Tussauds wax museum. I wanted to go so badly and the other 3 were vetoing it. We were able to get discount tickets and that softened their hearts some. Afterward they were all happy that I insisted so much.

I think this one speaks for itself.

Yay, Obama!

Steff could have gotten our asses shot up flashing those gang signs.

So Christian and I couldn't get married in Vegas because he got plastered and married George Clooney instead.

I've heard that I looked like Cameron Diaz a few times. What do you think?

Johnny Depp looked the most real to me. I kept expecting it to move!

Threesome between Joe, Jenna, and Steff. Sexy!

If I play my hand right I may be the next Playboy bunny.

Christian could be the next James Bond. At least I think so.


Donalyn said...

Heather Heather Heather I have to agree they did a poor job on Bush, but even at that he still looks twice as intelligent as Obama.